【同义词辨析】 2019-12-19 光秃bare-barren

bare: implies the absence of what is additional, superfluous, ornamental, or dispensable: a bleak apartment with ~ walls.  superfluous多余没有必要means beyond what is needed,如a superfluous word/detail多余的词/细节,如further discussion seemed superfluous继续讨论已无必要)   (ornament和下边的adorn都表示装饰美化to enhance the appearance of something by adding something unessential,如a diamond necklace adorns her neck钻石项链装饰她的脖子,如a white house ornamented with green shutters用绿百叶窗装饰白房子,adorn暗示装饰品本身美丽如例句中的钻石项链,在180402 adorn组) (又如she likes to walk around in bare feet她喜欢光着脚走来走去/he can kill a man with his bare hands他赤手空拳就能取人性命/the bare branches of winter trees冬天树木光秃秃的枝丫/bare wooden floorboards未铺地毯的木地板/bare shelves空荡荡的架子/the bare bones of the story故事梗概)

naked: suggests complete absence of protective or ornamental covering but may imply a state of nature, of destitution, of defenselessness, or of simple beauty: poor, half-naked children shivering in the cold.  destitution穷困

nude: applies especially to the unclothed human figure: a ~ model posing for art students.

bald: implies actual or seeming absence of natural covering and may suggest a severe plainness or lack of adornment: a ~ mountain peak.   (natural除了表示自然天然的,还表示正常当然的,如正常死亡natural death,如当然人选natural choice)      plain原意是平原,引申表示缺乏任何装饰,不引人注意,或形容人其貌不扬lack of positive beauty    如his bald head他的头,如he started balding in his twenties他二十几岁便开始谢顶

barren: often suggests aridity or impoverishment or sterility through absence of natural or appropriate covering: ~ plains with few shrubs and no trees.   (impoverish 1、使人贫困to make poor 2、使土地枯竭贫瘠to make soil worse in quality,如intensive cultivation has impoverished the soil集约耕作使土壤变得贫瘠)

bare裸露光手脚: 表示缺少的覆盖物可有可无,属于外加多余装饰,naked裸露: 表示完全没有装饰遮蔽,显得自然简单质朴,或穷困无助,nude裸体: 特指没穿衣服人体,bald光秃: 指缺乏正常应有的覆盖物,严重缺乏装饰和美感,barren荒芜: 表示土地干旱枯竭贫瘠,缺少正常应有的植被

记忆方法: 1)首字母BNNBB想成Beautiful Not Beautiful? Not Beautiful美不美?不美<==光秃

        2)光秃的意思是缺乏正常应有的覆盖mean deprived of naturally or conventionally appropriate covering.